Tuesday 22 February 2011

Nokia and Microsoft a match made in heaven???

Hello all...

As you have all heard Microsoft and Nokia decided to take the plunge earlier this month in what looks like a shot gun wedding!!!

However this is now reached a position that the Bride (Nokia) has suddenly realised that maybe it wasn't such a good idea but can't admit it to its friends and foes alike without suffering a major cardiac arrest and maybe not surviving.

Whoa hold on a second this is starting to sound familiar!!! Anyone remember when Microsoft stepped in to save Apple in the 90's?

Look at how that relationship turned out....

Well it looks like Microsoft and Nokia are hoping for something similar whether they get it is a whole different matter altogether.

The problem for Nokia is while it makes great Hardware for its mobile devices it's software has been buggy as hell...

For Microsoft it has had a version of Windows Ce/Mobile/Phone in some form but really hasn't been able to break through.

So perhaps both companies see this as a strategy of combining their strengths to build a better platform!

I for one believe this may happen as long as the following happens....

Windows Phone 7 delivers all the things Symbian Offers as well as what Android and Apple do in terms of features.

Secondly there has to be a easy way for the developer to create any application their mind thinks of with great ease. In this Microsoft may have an advantage in that everyone is familiar with Windows.

I know a lot of the Linux and Mac crowd will say things are easy but have you tried developing an application for windows and developing an application for Linux.

If Microsoft figure out which I hope they do that if they create tools for the novice developer out there they may just capture the app market if they provide easy to use tools and create a loose barrier for developing applications and releasing.

Yes there will be viruses and miscreants out there but this is what helped make windows popular. The ability to create and distribute freely.

So for this marriage to work the offspring must be easy and free for everyone to use otherwise it may just go the way of other device makers such as siemens, sagem etc who withdrew from the phone market as they couldn't compete!

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