Saturday 18 August 2007


Now what would I be posting this under the heading of sleep? Well..could it have anything to do with the fact I need some more? Or that I see people around me who need some more?

Well it is more to do with the fact I need some more...The thing is just because you know you need some more doesn't mean you are actually fall asleep!

I am a very sound sleeper! Just put on a train of any kind standing up and I will sleep. Planes are one more....(Cars never as I am usually the driver but if I am the passenger please dont put me in the front seat as I will be wide awake and turn into a back seat driver...As my aunt and cousin will testify!)

So here comes the problem what do you do when your magical superpower doesnt work? I had that brief experience the other day....and it was a nightmare...I tried everything....counting sheep, glass of warm milk, reading an O'Reilly Publications book on TCP/IP (yea I know some of you love these but you are all a bunch of weirdo's so there!). Nothing worked! In the end I figured out what actually worked and for this I am glad he is still on TV. Wait for it...It was President George W. Bush making a speech about something which was as comprehensible as an O'Reilly book....This is really scary! So anyway I have figured it out now...All I need is George W. Bush to read me a bed time story on the three little pigs and their WMD! Hmm I see a new line for him after his term ends! Go George!

Here is to my sleep and Pres Bush reading me bed time stories! If all else fails try this!

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