I am back after a long break! Had stuff to do which meant not much time for much else apart from food, sleep and getting away from the computer! Well tonight I saw the Hitman which was interesting for two reasons, first in that it was a film based on a game a rarity considering Lara Croft's failure after the original and secondly because it tried to do something different which was a plug for the game rather than a game being a plug for a film which is what you expect to happen. The film was good, the first half was fast and interesting and a little bit stupid in places! Sure if you see a man with a bar code tattooed to the back his head he is going to stand out I mean come on a bit of realism here.
It was also really cheesy the way the main character did not have a name but only a number...bit silly considering you need a name just in case you get caught. Apart from the action was good. A bit too run of the mill too many cliché's and there were moments when you could see that the voices were dubbed over and looked like a bad Chinese or Indian film dubbed into English. (See the Russian General near the end and you will understand!) Apart from that it is well worth watching it!